By Zara Miklenda & Kevin Litwiller


On a crisp and sunny Saturday this past October Floral Express Wholesale (Floral Express) hosted its much anticipated, 1st Annual Maritimes Customer Appreciation Event at the Inn on Prince Truro, Nova Scotia. The event was planned and hosted by Floral Express to celebrate the strong, long-standing relationship that has developed between the Ontario-based wholesaler and its Maritimes customers over the years. From humble beginnings with a handful of supportive, first customers, to serving hundreds of shops throughout the Maritimes, this mutually beneficial journey has been exceptional.

In this article, we delve into the event that brought together loyal customers, supportive vendors, and the dedicated Floral Express team.

A Blossoming Journey

The Maritime journey began in 2006 when John Overbeek, the visionary owner and President of Floral Express sent his first test shipments of flowers to Halifax. This small, initial step would pave the way for an incredible success story, built over time. The following week, the first box was officially sold, and business quickly started to bloom. In the beginning, John took on the responsibility of delivering product to the shipping depot himself, as part of his personal drive and commitment to ensure customer satisfaction and success for this new venture.

Fast forward to 2023, and Floral Express has evolved into a thriving, wholesale enterprise that ships fresh floral and plants weekly from its state-of-the-art facility to its loyal customers in the Maritimes, as well as throughout Canada and into the U.S

A Partner in Blooms

One of the highlights of the customer appreciation event was active participation from several vendor partners who have played an essential role in the success of Floral Express such as Marcello Carrera of Sunrite Roses, a grower partner from Ecuador. Not only did he make the long journey to support the event and showcase his exquisite rose varieties, but he also shared valuable insights into the meticulous cultivation and nurturing process of these beautiful blooms.

Attendees were treated to a first-hand overview of the dedication and passion that goes into creating these fine roses available through Floral Express. The partnership with Sunrite is a testament to Floral Express’ commitment to delivering the highest quality products to its customers, while also supporting farms who choose responsible employment and sustainable practices.

Nurturing Blooms with Care

Sheri Knowles, a representative from Chrysal, further elevated the event by introducing attendees to a line of renowned flower care products. From flower food to leaf shine, each product is designed to keep blossoms fresh and vibrant for an extended period. With Chrysal’s support, Floral Express ensures that florists experience the full beauty of their blooms.

Terra Nova Lilies: Nature’s Elegance

Terra Nova Lilies, another participant in the event, presented their stunning lilies. Attendees enjoyed insights into the art of growing and cultivating these exquisite blooms, including Asiatic, orientals, and the world-renowned rose lilies – all proudly grown in Canada.

Seminars and Insights

Event attendees were further enriched with informative seminars covering various industry-related topics. Experts shared the latest technology, trade secrets and practical tips, allowing participants to learn new things while sharing their own knowledge and experience with likeminded peers.


Floral Express’s 1st Annual Maritimes Customer Appreciation Event was a resounding success, celebrating both the company’s journey and the loyal customers integral to that success. The event emphasized the importance of cultivating strong relationships with vendors and customers in this tight knit industry. Floral Express not only delivers flowers, but also nurtures enduring connections. The event served as a beautiful testament to the company’s dedication, marking it as an iconic Canadian floral wholesaler.

We would like to thank our incredible growing partners that helped make this event bloom.

Suradina / Arvi Farms, Homestead Farms, Spring Flower, SanFransico Gardens, Fern Fascinatio, Terra Nova Greenhouses, La Plazoletta, Rosa Flora, Sunrite Farms, Mystic Flowers, Lindy’s, Chrysal, Valleflor, Creekvalley, Virgil

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